- To form a more coordinated social layer of RAI market participants
- Make it easier for ETH holders to “yeet” into RAI LPing by just sending ETH instead of setting up your own safe/LP/savior
- Accumulate FLX in strong, well-aligned hands
- RAI is offering good FLX rewards, but the setup and management is still complicated for some
- Gas costs also make it disproportionately harder for smaller participants
- Yearn vaults are cool for tokenizing farming positions, but our monthly distributions make using yearn tricky (not to mention they charge 2% mgmt / 20% perf fees)
- Instead, we can pool our funds in a DAO and try to work around the edge cases
- Deploy a Baal (new & improved MolochDAO) at ETH Denver on February 14th (Valentine’s Day)
- 1 week YEET window until Feb 21st to send ETH to the DAO (using a 3/5 Moloch MinionSafe)
- On Feb 21st, we roll all the ETH into a RAI Safe + RAI LP (curve?) + Savior
- As we accumulate FLX, every month the multisig redeems and sends to the DAO guildbank (ragequittable)
- 5% (or something) of the accumulated FLX could stay in the multisig (non-ragequittable) to pay for operations
- The multisig admins would be responsible for optimizing for FLX by managing liquidation risk and increasing / decreasing the collateral ratio over time
- With the savior, the downside is capped to $2,000 per liquidiation, so it probably makes sense to operate at around 150-160% collateral ratio and get rekt occasionally
NFT Moyais
- To add our own fun twist to this DAO, we would combine it with a NFT PFP project
- Everyone who joins will receive 1 Moyai NFT PFP (up to 1,000 total)
- The more ETH you deposit, the higher your priority order in choosing your Moyai PFP
- We will update Baal such that the NFT actually represents your membership
- e.g. transferring to another wallet means that wallet can control your votes - similar to Univ3
Redemption / Ragequit
- It isn’t possible to natively “ragequit” to unwind the whole CDP + savior without additional code
- We could commission said code and migrate to it after launch (see below)
- We would only offer redemptions once a month, after each FLX drop, to simplify accounting
New Memberships
- Only be admitted by vote from the existing members
- Once a month → proposals would have to be submitted 1 week ahead of time
- shares / ETH based on current DAO share value (expected to rise against ETH)
- 3.14 ETH minimum to YEET
- DAO Voting Period - 4 days
- DAO Grace Period - 3 days
- Use Railegion.eth (from someone on discord)
- The multi-sig has a lot of responsbility, and larger ETH whales might not feel comfortable joining until they can ragequit at any time.
- If the NFT PFPs are tied directly to the memberships, then they can’t be traded / hoarded as legit NFTs… an alternative is just to grant them for fun?
- Then again, like Univ3, the NFT is actually backed by your membership, which is cool
- Baal made itself 51% attackable with no grace period, so if NFTs can be traded, then the DAO is a lot more dangerous
- Quorum shortcuts grace period · Issue #27 · Moloch-Mystics/Baal · GitHub - this line can be removed
- note - the DAO can still execute proposals via the Minion without the Multisig signers approval
- Baal introduced transferrable shares, but I’m pretty sure this lets people double-vote
- What’s the point of using a MolochDAO if there is no ragequit?
- Well, it could be adapted to add the ragequit.
- This sort of ends up being a glorified tokenization of the position…
- Strawman alternative: What if we use Tally Safeguard and a multisig for the whole thing
- How would users vote? They still need some token that represents their share…
- Also Tally Safeguard doesn’t provide an actual path to decentralization via ragequit…
Ragequit Registry
- We could add a “ragequit registry” to Baal which tracks other contracts to ragequit
- Then we add the SafeMinion to the registry, so when the user calls “ragequit” loops through the ragequit registry and calls “ragequit” on each contract (gas limit concerns)
- The SafeMinion would be programmed with its own “ragequit” method with the DAO as the only authorized caller, which would unwind a portion of the assets and transfer to the DAO, which would then transfer to the user
- so if the user goes to ragequit and they have 10% of the shares…
- the safeminion would remove 10% of the LP from the savior
- then withdraw 10% of LP from the (curve?) pool
- then swap any other stables for RAI
- then pay back the RAI debt and withdraw corresponding ETH
- and transfer the ETH to the DAO and then to the user
- note - ^ the above should have no effect on the collateral ratio
Moyai NFT Art
- Looking to create 1000 Moyais with different facial features/accessories/backgrounds
- Must be complete Feb 1st, taking sample applications for now
- Ideas for personalization include: hats, carvings, necklaces/jewelry, backgrounds
- Inspiration