Pinger incentive updates

I’ve talked with a number of members in the community, and the final proposal will look like this:

  1. Set all rewards to start at 10% of their set gas cost. Right now they start at 100% of the cost, with gas price at 150gwei and scale up to 200%. After the proposal it will start at 10% of the cost at 150gwei gas price and will increase up to 200% in 45 minutes. The contracts will effectively start with the cost of the call at 15gwei gas price, and scale up to the cost at 300gwei linearly in 45 minutes. This alone should reduce the spending considerably for all calls with increasing rewards (all of them, except for calls to debt popper rewards).

  2. Reduce gasAmountForExecution for the calls to the OSM to 190k from 265k gas. The calls to the OSM are 75% of the spending, this will save ~30% on them. The actual cost when called from an EOA is 182k, this reward was setup when a different oracle was used, and is currently larger than the fair value.

After the proposal is in production we will wait for the keepers to adapt to the new rewards and reassess if there are any other ways to reduce spending. We are not yet touching the TWAP as previously mentioned, because with the liquidity incentives change to Uniswap V3 we can deploy a pingerless TWAP, effectively reducing RAI TWAP cost to 0 (with no need to change the TWAP length).

If no objections I will propose this on-chain in 24h.